Summertime Solar Dyeing

Solar dyeing is my favorite way to dye in the sticky southern summer heat because standing over a roarin’ fire is not fun in summertime.


Solar dyeing is where you use the heat of the sun to extract the dye from the plants. It can take several days to slowly draw out the dye, but it brings out beautiful colors, often different shades verse heating over a fire or stove top. 

This past few weeks I have collected purple bearded irises, ox eye daisies, sweetgum leaves, avocado peels and pits. As well as a leftover madder bath from the last time I dyed with madder.



I often use my greenhouse for solar dyeing, using the empty space to help get a boost of solar heat. The jars often getting to 90-100 degrees Fahrenheit. I leave them out for several days until I feel that the dye has developed enough, then add in pre-mordanted yarn.   

