Back in August, we welcomed some new faces to the homestead—a pair of Satin Angora rabbits! This special breed produces wool that’s said to be warmer than sheep’s wool, with a beautiful halo effect that adds a soft, airy quality to garments.
Angoras have been on my homestead wishlist for a long time. Rabbits are some of our favorite livestock—they’re small, easy to care for, and don’t require as much space or resources as larger animals. That said, Angoras need a bit more care than our New Zealand and Flemish Giant rabbits.
So, what does caring for Angoras involve?
As a wooly breed, Angoras are highly prone to overheating. It’s essential to keep their enclosure shaded and provide cooling measures like fans and cold tiles for them to lie on during warmer weather. Many owners even house them in barns to better control the temperature.
High-Protein Feed:
Most rabbit feed contains around 16% protein, but Angoras require 18% to support healthy wool growth. Without sufficient protein, their wool can become weak and growth may slow.
High-Fiber Diet:
Angoras are susceptible to wool block, a condition where their wool accumulates in their digestive system. Unlike cats, rabbits can’t cough up hairballs, so they rely on a high-fiber diet to keep things moving. Ensuring they have plenty of fiber is critical for their digestive health. For us, that looks like giving them Timothy hay daily.
We’re so excited to have these lovely creatures on the homestead and can’t wait to start incorporating their incredible wool into our projects!